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Interface DestinyEnvironmentLocationMapping


  • DestinyEnvironmentLocationMapping




activationSource: string

A hint that the UI uses to figure out how this location is activated by the player.

Optional activityHash

activityHash: number

If this is populated, this is the activity you have to be playing in order to see this location appear because of this mapping. (theoretically, a location can have multiple mappings, and some might require you to be in a specific activity when others don't)

Mapped to DestinyActivityDefinition in the manifest.

Optional itemHash

itemHash: number

If this is populated, it is the item that you must possess for this location to be active because of this mapping. (theoretically, a location can have multiple mappings, and some might require an item while others don't)

Mapped to DestinyInventoryItemDefinition in the manifest.


locationHash: number

The location that is revealed on the director by this mapping.

Mapped to DestinyLocationDefinition in the manifest.

Optional objectiveHash

objectiveHash: number

If this is populated, this is an objective related to the location.

Mapped to DestinyObjectiveDefinition in the manifest.