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Interface DestinyPublicMilestone

Information about milestones, presented in a character state-agnostic manner. Combine this data with DestinyMilestoneDefinition to get a full picture of the milestone, which is basically a checklist of things to do in the game. Think of this as GetPublicAdvisors 3.0, for those who used the Destiny 1 API.


  • DestinyPublicMilestone





availableQuests: DestinyPublicMilestoneQuest[]

A milestone not need have even a single quest, but if there are active quests they will be returned here.

Optional endDate

endDate: string

If known, this is the date when the Milestone will expire/recycle/end.


milestoneHash: number

The hash identifier for the milestone. Use it to look up the DestinyMilestoneDefinition for static data about the Milestone.

Mapped to DestinyMilestoneDefinition in the manifest.


order: number

Used for ordering milestones in a display to match how we order them in BNet. May pull from static data, or possibly in the future from dynamic information.

Optional startDate

startDate: string

If known, this is the date when the Milestone started/became active.


vendorHashes: number[]

Sometimes milestones - or activities active in milestones - will have relevant vendors. These are the vendors that are currently relevant.

Deprecated, already, for the sake of the new "vendors" property that has more data. What was I thinking.


This is why we can't have nice things. This is the ordered list of vendors to be shown that relate to this milestone, potentially along with other interesting data.